pdu credits meaning. Please Note: NBCOT adheres to the CEU definition defined by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) of 1 CEU = 10 Contact Hours. pdu credits meaning

 Please Note: NBCOT adheres to the CEU definition defined by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) of 1 CEU = 10 Contact Hourspdu credits meaning  Your organization also has the ability to disable course feedback

18 Primary or co-presenter providing professional in-service training,The conversion rate for PDUs is 1 PDU per 1 contact hour of course/activity time. William Stewart is a PMI certified Project Management Professional (PMP) who has managed projects for more than a quarter century from just a few thousand dollars to $55M, and worked in senior roles on PM teams on projects up to $3B, in the domains of system integration. Fairbanks North Star Borough School DistrictGuide for Earning. To earn a PDU credit, it must fit within the PMI Talent Triangle’s three categories: Check the PMI certification PDU requirements for how many PDU to earn for which certificate. Leadership: a minimum of 8 PDUs must be earned. 215 Renewal Requirements - The activities that are eligible for renewal units are professional development activities and college credits that are of a planned and structured experience and an activity that provides "exposure to a new idea or skill or an extension of an existing idea or skill. If you hold a Certified Associate in Project Management Professional (CAPM) ® certification, you are required to earn 15 PDUs in a 3-year cycle. CREDIT TYPE MINIMUM REQUIRED; Total earned credits: 180 credits: Upper division (300/400 level) credits: 62 credits: Credits taken at PSU (excludes credit by examination) 45 of the final 75 credits, or 150 credits total: Credits with differentiated grades (A-F) 25 of the last 45 credits (up to 20 Pass credits allowed) 1What are the four steps to request CPD/CEU Credits Certificate? The process to request the CPD/CEU Credits Certificate is as follows: Step 1: Complete the relevant AIGPE CPD Accredited Training to 100% Step 2: Download the Training Certificate of Completion (Proof of Training Completion). Power skills set you apart in your current and future career. Please email us at info@hrci. Udemy Business is committed to enabling to effectively prepare for their project management certification exams and build skills across essential project management topics. You are still allowed to earn and report PDUs but you cannot be referred to as a PMP®. As long as your role is relevant to your. This will display a list of all PMP PDU courses available on LinkedIn. This step will mean there is less work for you to do when it is time to complete the certification renewal process. Nov 13,14,15,16 8:30am-6:00pm. 1 CEU equals 1. What does PDU mean as an abbreviation? 158 popular meanings of PDU abbreviation: 50 Categories. Type, Find and Fill the remaining fields with the name of a provider. Generally, a PDH credit is “a contact hour of instruction or presentation”. 25. There are two types of PDUs under the renewal system: i) Education - You need to have at least 35 PDUs for this category. Your 3-year CCR cycle begins the day you pass your exam. PDUs are earned for activities that exceed normal on-the-job experience. Once you've completed at least 23 hours of education, you're qualified to take the exam. Personal. Because the acronyms are so similar, PDUs are often confused with PDs, but they are most definitely. Checksum—LSP checksum. Center for Development of Security Excellence. This would equal 10 PDUs. Some industries put more emphasis on PDH while others are dedicated more to the CEU. Professional Development Units (PDUs) are one-hour blocks of time that you spend learning, teaching others, or volunteering. Technology, Computing, Technical. The definition of CPD Hours is the time spent for a delegate to be in “ active learning ”. Hassle-free – each course is online, self-paced and available from any location. Explore multiple agile and lean techniques and understand how to put these techniques into action and effective implementation. 00. Here are 13 ways to gain the 60 PDU hours, or units, required for PMP certification renewal: 1. Does this mean that if I claim category A PDU credit for a specific archived video from a PMI R. 25. After reporting at least 60 PDUs, you can pay the renewal fee. Keep the learning going by earning the 20 SEUs required every two years to stay active as a CSPO. Your activities must meet the following requirements to qualify for CEUs: Timing: Activities must be completed during your three-year renewal cycle. With this calculation, a single- hour course will equal 0. If you do 15 minutes of learning, you get 0. CPE Credits: 16; Financial Accounting - Closing Process, by Bob. PDU. You can take or attend classes, seminars, other continuing education courses, and professional events to earn enough PDUs for your current cycle and begin the renewal. Earn PDUs—quickly and at no cost—by attending our project management webinars. Fairbanks North Star Borough School DistrictCPE Opportunities. A PDU is an acronym for Professional Development Unit. Procedure defined unit, a unit of measurement relative to a specific application. 1 credit hour = 6 units 36 units Letter of verification from school that includes dates, lecture/course title, length of session and course/lecture goals and objectives or copy of course syllabi. For example, a one-hour talk will earn you one PDH hour. 25 PDUs/1 Contact Hour. Please Note: NBCOT adheres to the CEU definition defined by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) of 1 CEU = 10 Contact Hours. Category F PDU and can be earned working as a project manager. The most basic ones may not include features such as surge protection and remote access, but they do have larger power strips. PDU Explanation: You have 3 options to earn Category A PDUs… Earn PDUs by attending educational courses offered by PMI’s Registered Education Providers (R. These 15 PDUs can be further broken down as follows: Minimum of 9 Education PDUs. 35 contact hours have a lifelong validity. Keep employee certifications and licenses current with online courses that can count towards continuing education units (CEUs) at partners like NASBA (National Association of State Boards of Accountancy), PMI (Project Management Institute), and more. Participants can refer to PMI CCR to know more. Earn your 35 PDUs for maintaining your PMP within the PMI Talent Triangle. It’s important to note that there is a maximum number of PDUs that can be claimed per certification cycle (3 years): PMP, PgMP, PfMP, PMI-PBA – no more than 8 PDUs claimed per cycle. In the case of this, individuals can earn a minimum of 35 and a maximum of 60 PDUs. PDUs are relevant for maintaining any of your PMI-supported certifications, the most common of which is the Project Management Professional (PMP)®. One PDU is equivalent to 1 hour of learning. The PDU Podcasts are a series of downloadable video webinars where professionals can watch the video webinars at their convenience, and earn the required PDU credits. This knowledge can be applied to on-the-job experiences that help develop. What are PDU credits? A PDU credit is a PMI-approved method of measuring your professional development progress. In-House: If you have 10 or more employees seeking Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training, we will deliver the course at your facility (or another location in your. Provision For Credit Losses - PCL: The provision for credit losses (PCL) is an estimation of potential losses that a company might experience due to credit risk . PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) Good scheduling can be crucial to the success of a project. In other words: If you do 10 minutes of learning, you get no credit. 2. 57. Earn PDUs by attending events offered by the PMI such as seminars and conferences. difference between Contact Hours and PDU, but here’s a short summary. 10 contact hours = 1 CEU. 25 PDUs/1 Contact Hour. Here’s what you do to get PDUs on ProjectManagement. Continuing Education. Super simple – get the bundle, take the courses, submit your PDUs and renew your certificate. In other words, if you do not earn 60 PDUs in your recertification cycle, your PMP® status will become “suspended”. Step 3: In the next step, you need to select ‘Maintain your certification: Earn and report PDUs’ which will appear on the drop-down list once you hover over ‘Certification’. Non – Academic Credit. All Courses are Online. Most PMI Certifications have minimum requirements for educational PMI PDUs around the PMI Talent Triangle. PMI conducts application audits to confirm the experience and/or education documented on certification applications. CPE Credits: 7. Both 35 PDU plans will allow users to earn a maximum of 35 PMI recertification PDUs. 4; Bookkeeping Basics #3, by Ron Trucks . webinar title. Thanks for asking your question! If you are referring to the PDU requirements for NBCOT certification, it is granted for a three-year period. Options for Earning PMI-Required PDUs. Earn up to 28 CPEs per course when completing on-demand and online review courses. #2. CAPM requirements. Attending a PMI Chapter meeting or PMI event where there is an educational session. Professional Development Units (PDUs) are one-hour blocks of time you spend: • Learning • Teaching Others • Volunteering PDUs help you maintain your PMI certification status. Here are 13 ways to gain the 60 PDU hours, or units, required for PMP certification renewal: 1. org user account before moving forward with your application. If you require PDUs (Professional Development Units) to maintain your PMI® credential, use this PDU Certificate as a confirmation of the credit hours. Determine which professional development category to use. The Most Trusted Names in Project Management are Available Through Prodevia Learning. If you have a PDU Claim code, click on the “I have a claim code” option then enter the code so that the course/event information is automatically uploaded to your account. You can only go back to the “active” status once you have earned enough PDUs and finished the renewal process. Navigate to "Enter PDU Credits" to begin you Certification Renewal Package (CRP). CPE Credits CPE is the abbreviation for Continuing Professional Education. You can earn PDUs in two categories: Education and Giving Back to the Profession. PDU Requirements for PMI Certification: PMP, PgMP, PfMP, and PMI-PBA. SHRM Course List. PMI conducts application audits to confirm the experience and/or education documented on certification applications. Q: How many PDH do I need to meet my board requirement? A: The required number of PDH credits varies by state. $ 249. Our On-Demand PMP PDU courses in project management are designed to reinforce key PM concepts and instill new best practices, while earning up to 60 PDU credits. Here are 5 ways to earn education PDUs:What is a PUD? PUDs are communities of homes, which can include single-family homes, condos, commercial property like retail stores or all of these property types. Skillsoft provides access to vouchers for the PMI/PMP Learner Kit. "ARM 10. Select Any Online Video Course, Video Short Course or Recorded Webinar Course from over 70 Courses that provide over 500 PDUs. Professional certifications require 40-80 CE credits depending recertification path; CCIE and CCDE certifications require 40-120 CE credits depending on certification path; You can also renew by taking a Cisco exam (see renewal options) CE credits are submitted via your Cisco continuing education portal . The purpose of these policies is to facilitate consistent application, assignment and award of BICSI CECs and enable BICSI credential holders to maximize their training resources in expanding their knowledge. 60 PDUs are required over three years. Project Management Professional (PMP) and Professional Development Unit (PDU) Definition Earning and Usage - A scale of measurement used for measuring the ongoing development within a project management field is PDU or Professional Development Units. The PMI Talent Triangle highlights these skill sets, and. Meaning of PDU. Holiday Closure Alert: The HRCI Offices and Customer Experience Call Center will close early on Wednesday, November 22, and remain closed through Friday, November 24, 2023, in observance of Thanksgiving. Entire degree programs will not be recognized for PDU credits, only individual courses. Through Ongoing and. Education. It is important to keep in mind. A great example of this would be 1-day accredited CPD training course. No Credit Card Required. From 3 to 5 PDUs for compliance. An essential skill is one that is necessary for executing and learning in the workplace. To maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP), you will need to maintain a specific number of PDUs, earned by attending events or accomplishing courses. PDUs, or Professional Development Units, are earned through activities related to your professional development as a project manager. 1 CEU equals 1. Although the terminology changes from state to state, the meaning is the same. 6% Pass Rate. Our on-demand, self-paced online courses are based. Five points must come from the Professional Experience category, but the remaining 15 can be earned from activities across the Professional Experience, Professional Education and Community categories. The application is save-as-you-go, so you can take a break if needed. PMP® Online Training - 35 Hours - 99. " This three-letter acronym plays a big part in engineering license renewal. Earn free PMI PDUs quickly and easily when you are a PMI Member by attending a PMI webinar, joining a discussion or writing a blog. Joining Pryor+ is a simple, cost-effective way to quickly meet your continuing education needs. Through Ongoing and. Their courses are video-based and range from 30 minutes to 4 hours in length. PDUs are not the same as contact hours, even though you might have seen the terms used interchangeably online. Follow these steps to record the PDUs you earn: Log in to My SPēD Certification (MSC) account . They are: 1. Now,. 4; Bookkeeping Basics #3, by Ron Trucks . 2 or 1. You’ll receive information on how to pay when it is time for you to renew your certification. You may accumulate the 18 RU credits from professional activities that either increase your knowledge of the Body of Knowledge or are job enhancing. First, you will need 60 PDUs within three years. Contact hours are hours earned becoming certified. The PDUs have to be collected and used within 3 years; otherwise they expire. PMP Certification Training. See the list New CE Course. 3. 8 must be gained from Leadership. Course or training: You can earn PDUs by participating in educational training courses, which is a traditional and effective way to continue your learning. ; The PDU of the Link Layer is referred to as a frame. These are like credits given in high school for measuring your competency and performance throughout the year. In Disciplined Agile ® (DA ™ ), we organize power skills into two categories: essential skills and leadership styles. A Scrum Education Unit® (SEU®) is a credit earned by completing an educational training or learning opportunity that furthers your knowledge as a scrum practitioner. All PDU courses is our catalog are aligned with PMI’s Talent Triangle® and the PDU distribution by skillset (technical, leadership, strategic business) is designed to satisfy PMI CCRS requirements. PMP® Online Training - 35 Hours - 99. 0. For example: To renew your Project Management Professional (PMP) ® certification, you’ll need to earn 60 PDUs per 3-year cycle. Entire degree programs will not be recognised for PDU credits, only. 1 hour of education = 0. However, if the course has an exam associated with it then its . The state board has final approval on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. PDU Rule: 1 hour of instruction related to project management, project risk, project scheduling, or program management equals 1 PDU. We will be happy to assist you with your inquiry. The candidates can go for various studying options such as books, whitepapers, and different articles. Transferring PDUs can make it easier for you to successfully maintain your PMP certification and gives you some flexibility in case of busy periods or unexpected. Maintaining one’s Project Management Institute (PMI)’s Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential includes documentation of PDU (professional development unit) hours. Learn about prep tools and tips  to help make your journey to PMP certification smooth. Proof is required only under audit. Protocol data unit, in telecommunications. Each unit equals a one-hour time block representing your continuing education, volunteering, teaching, or other learning action. If you do not have a code, select one of the PDC. Typically, a one-day activity earns 6 PDUs. Leadership (CAL-E, CAL-O, CAL-T) 10. Entire degree programs will not be recognized for PDU credits, only individual courses. Obtaining PDUs is a means to demonstrate to a potential employer or client. One CPE credit is awarded for each 50 minutes of instruction. You can earn PDUs in two categories: Education and Giving Back to the Profession. According to the Pulse of the Profession ® 2023 report, collaborative leadership, communication, problem-solving and strategic thinking are the four highest-ranked power skills. By fulfilling the renewal requirements, you. The CCR streamlines the maintenance of multiple PMI certifications through the sharing of PDU credits across certifications. Have the following information for a webinar PDU claim: name of organization hosting the webinar. This definition applies for face-to-face interaction as well as distance learning programs. Multiply 10 contact hours of instruction (a CEU unit) times 60 minutes. Definition of Done (DoD) Value Based Analysis; Value Based Decomposition &. In addition, within Education, you’ll need a minimum of 8 PDUs for each skill set in The PMI Talent Triangle. You must complete all of the certification renewal requirements which includes 36 PDUs by your scheduled renewal date to remain Active in Good Standing certification status for another three-year period. Your 3-year CCR cycle begins the day you pass your exam. Other relevant roles include ScrumMasters, Iteration Managers, and Agile Project Managers. ”. These PDU requirements are the same for OTs. PMP® Self-Paced Training – 35 Hours. No Credit Card Required. PDU stands for Professional Development Unit. This means that for every hour officially spent in the activity, you can claim 1 PDU. 5 PDH and an activity of 50 to 70 minutes would be reported as 1. To self-report PDU claims, use the following process for a webinar or other educational activity: Log into the PMI. Record and report PDUs. PDH stands for "Professional Development Hours. They can also be used to meet the requirements of various organizations, such as the Project Management Institute (PMI). PDUs are available in 15-minute chunks. $49. The minimum number of PDUs required in each area. Message sending can be retried every 24 hours for no more than seven days. Leadership: Knowledge, skills and behaviors specific to leadership-oriented, cross-cutting skills that help an organization achieve its business goals. From 1 to 6 PDUs. To maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP), you will need to maintain a specific number of PDUs, earned by attending events or accomplishing courses. Keep in mind you can only earn a maximum of eight giving back PDUs from working in your certified role, and a maximum of 17 can come from volunteering and teaching or mentoring. Welcome to r/OccupationalTherapy!This is an automatic comment on every post. Giving Back to the Profession. 4099: true:. When taking a two-day class, you will earn around 1. Continuing Education. Basic PDU: A Basic power distribution unit delivers unfiltered AC power to various connected devices from a generator, UPS system, or utility source. PDU certificates are not available for download from the Percipio Mobile App Important Note: The NASBA CPE tab will only be displayed in Percipio if it is enabled AND you have accessed content that is eligible for NASBA CPE credits. You need 60 PDUs to renew the certification. If you have any questions about how to submit PDUs under the three different categories (Leadership, Technical, Strategic) or if you're required to enter additional information about the training provider (such as a claim code), please contact your training provider directly to. After watching a webinar in it’s entirety, you’ll have earned one PDU for each hour of active viewing. One of the most common ways to earn PDUs is by being a project manager. Below, we highlight 10 ways to earn PDUs across two categories that are recognized by the PMI: 1) Education, and 2) Giving back to the profession: Education PDUs are earned for enhancing your knowledge in a way that is relevant to your certification, and to your work in the project management field. If you finish earning all 60 PDUs for your PMP certification, up to 20 PDU credits earned during the last twelve months of your ongoing CCR cycle can count towards your next cycle. CE requirements vary by certification ( see requirements ): Associate certifications require 30 CE credits. It could be due to policy violations, non-compliance, or. The Continuing Competency requirements for a California OT license are as follows: 24 contact hours biennially. 25 PDUs. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0. A 3-phase PDU of the same US specs above has a capacity of 8. There are some of the easy ways that can help in earning them. Video Plan. 1 CEU = 1 PDH. Earn up to 28 CPEs per course when completing on-demand and online review courses. A continuing education unit (CEU) is what other organizations may use to indicate the value of a professional development activity. Required PDUs to Renew Your PMI Certification: PMP, PgMP,. Certification. Navigate to My Profile > Activity and click the PMI PDU tab. Buy Now. Number of CEU awarded: 1 hour of education (excludes meals or breaks) = 1 contact hour. Skillsoft is approved by PMI to offer Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits for its courses that are related to project management. Calculating the number of credits is easy. The purpose of these policies is to facilitate consistent application, assignment and award of BICSI CECs and enable BICSI credential holders to maximize their training resources in expanding their knowledge. Follow these steps to record the PDUs you earn: Log in to My SPēD Certification (MSC) account . From 1 to 6 PDUs. 9. Recording and reporting continuing certification PDUs. If you have a code, enter it into the space provided. This equals 600 minutes. Ensure your PDUs are in the right category. PDU stands for Professional Development Units, and 1 unit is equivalent to 1 hour of learning/activity. OJT Experiential Learning Opportunities = 1 CLP per hour of activity; maximum 20 CLPs per year: Coaching and Mentoring = 1 CLP per hour of activity; maximum 20 CLPs per year>: Try an innovative technique in your upcoming acquisition = Up to 3 CLPs: Open Opportunities - short term experiential project = 1 CLP per hour of activity: Formal or. Certification Frequently Asked Questions. Major fields of the L1/L2 LSP are: PDU length—Total length of the PDU in bytes. For example, you can earn 40 PDU hours through Project Management Academy’s Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training. After obtaining your PMP® certification, you must renew it every three years to maintain active certification status. Note: the number 1 (whole number) CEU equals 10 PDUs/10 Contact hours. See courses Image Proconseil. Maintaining certification requires staying current with changes in any discipline. PDUs are broken into two categories, giving back to the profession and education. There are many more PDU options like: providing volunteer services to non-employer or non-client organizations (Like your local PMI chapter)PDU is the antonym of Professional Development Unit that is the measurement for your ongoing professional development. This is also as long as it is relevant to your. A representative must accumulate the following professional development units (PDUs): 10 PDUs in general subjects; 10 PDUs in compliance with standards, ethics and business conduct (Important: See section on mandatory course on compliance); 10 PDUs in topics specific to each sector or registration category in which he is authorized. One semester hour of college or university credit equals 30 PDUs. These PDUs refer to learning opportunities that develop and broaden various skills, such as technical expertise, leadership, and business management strategies. PMI-PBA practice questions are used to test your knowledge following each training module. Earn PDUs by taking instructor-led courses, online courses, and self-directed learning. For those hours to count as CEU, there are additional requirements the provider must meet. A leadership style is how you direct, motivate, coach, guide, and manage. CPE Credits: 7. Watch Lena Adam's PMP Story. That sounds simple but not all PDUs are the same. Work as a project manager. What is a PDU? A PDU measures time spent on professional development activities such as learning, teaching others, or volunteering. Frequently Asked Questions. PDU por sus siglas en inglés “Professional Development Unit” (Unidad de Desarrollo Profesional), estas unidades son una forma de medir que un Project Manager se mantiene actualizado. Contact Hours and PDUs. For CISSP renewal, which is actually an ISC2 certification renewal, you must comply with three fundamental points. Protocol Data Unit + 2. Advertising data consists of one or more Advertising Data (AD) elements. You can earn up to a quarter of your PDUs by working in this profession for three years. We highly suggest you send your Certificate of completion to whatever. All participants who intend to sit for the PMP exam are required to have a PMI/PMP Learner Kit. In most cases, organizations requiring PDHs will convert a person’s CEUs based on a 0. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0. Get started with Disciplined Agile. Get Organized To Get Ahead. We believe that continually supporting your practice has long-term benefits for all stakeholders. You are allowed to earn the full 60 PDUs this way. This will complete the CCR cycle, and the PMI will extend the validity of your certification for another three years. Once you’re approved, you’ll pay the exam fee and schedule a test. For more information, you can take a look at PMI's PDU Guide. You may modify Talent Triangle™ PDUs to values below the maximum limit for the activity. In short, PDUs turn a single power input into multiple power outputs. Aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle, this category now requires 60% of the PDUs, with a maximum of 35 PDUs: Technical Project Management: a minimum of 8 PDUs must be earned. Learning Unit (LU) is used by American Institute of Architects 's Continuing The PDU term is used by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and is very similar to IIBA CDUs. Students of Scrum. They should earn 15 PDUs within a three-year cycle through reading, volunteering, and mentoring in relation to project management. After earning at least 8 PDUs that can be aligned with Business Acumen skills, PMI certified professionals can then focus on earning PDUs for Power Skills and Ways of. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, CPAs, real estate agents, financial advisers, and other such professionals are required to. This step will mean there is less work for you to do when it is time to complete the certification renewal process. ”. The features in this handbook allow you to: Find information on each policy or procedure by clicking on a topic in the left navigation bar. This is designed to provide standard electrical outlets for use within a variety of settings that don't require monitoring or remote access capabilities. The most commonly asked questions about certification. See full list on projectmanagementacademy. The purpose of the audit is to enhance the credibility of the certification program and of the certification holders. PMI credential holders can claim PDUs by visiting PMI’s. The number of PDUs you still need to renew your certification. . CPE Credits: 1. Frequently Asked Questions. org website. Navigate to “report PDUs” in the Continuing Certification Renewal System (CCRS). By accumulating and tracking these over your. However, all have a three-year renewal cycle. Plan Your Development to the PMI Talent Triangle. PMI will not accept CEUs and, vice versa, those professional organizations using CEUs do not accept PDUs. One of the easiest ways to earn PDUs is to take an approved online course about one of the many project management best practices. Overcome uncertainty, build confidence and create opportunities with PMI certifications. Learn ways to earn your Education PDUs here!accredited college or universities = 1. It’s a way of measuring continuing education and professional services for many industries. CompTIA: Certifications last for three. Course or training: You can earn PDUs by participating in educational training courses, which is a traditional and effective way to continue your learning. 5 PDU In Strategic). Guide for Earning. The purpose of creating PDUs is to supply standard electricity to tools necessary in data environments. ; The PDU of the Internet Layer is referred to as a packet. Click the “Report PDUs” button. In states like New York and Florida, physical therapy boards and associations classify an hour as 50 minutes. These are necessary for anyone looking to maintain their Project Management Institute (PMI) credentials, such as those held by a Project Management Professional (PMP). One CPE credit is awarded for each 50 minutes of instruction. Option 2 - Earn some Giving Back PDUs and then earn the remaining PDUs in education courses. 60 PDUs are required over three years. One PDU equates to one credit hour. Just log on and learn at any time. The education you obtain must be structured and related to project management. A professional development unit or “PDU” is the quantitative value attributed to a training activity recognized by the Chambre de la Securite Financiere – CSF. Unlimited accreditation. 25 PDUs if provided by an AOTA approved provider. First, the basics. If you're wondering what it really means, and how it impacts the engineering community, learn more below: Table of. PMXPO – Thursday, 24 March. Quickly convert continuing education units (CEU) and contact hours into NBCOT PDU. The handbook covers topics such as power quality, grounding, wiring, protection, monitoring and more. By Praveen Malik, PMP June 5, 2022. A professional development unit (PDU) is the term NBCOT utilizes with its renewal program. Continue reading The Importance of PDUs: What Happens If You Fail to Earn Them? The post The Importance of PDUs: What Happens If You Fail to Earn Them? appeared first on Project Management Academy Resources. CPE Credits: 5. You can earn PDUs by engaging in structured professional discussions with others, for example mentoring or “lunch and learn” sessions. "PMI PDU Categories.