construction kancolle. She has droopy copper brown eyes. construction kancolle

 She has droopy copper brown eyesconstruction kancolle  Originally designed as an Amagi-class Battlecruiser, Akagi was converted to a carrier after the instigation of the Washington Naval Treaty in 1921

The battalion adopted the Kangaroo as its symbolic. Depicted as having long brown hair in a ponytail with multiple cherry blossoms in her hair, and often carrying an oriental umbrella with a shaft based on the battleship's distinctive mast. Laid down on the 2nd Nov 1938 she had a slow building process and was finally commissioned on 27th Feb '42. It differs from a submersible which has more limited underwater capability. A Yamato-class Kai Ni/Juu must be flagship. Large Ship Construction. 2% Mutsu 3. . 扶桑 (fusou) sounds similar to 不幸 (fukou) which means 'misfortune', & 不相応 (fusouou) which means 'misplaced' or 'unsuitable'. Transport Ship Wa-Class B Flagship. The following functions appear in the Arsenal menu: Construction - Allows to construct ships. Sci-fi. She has long light brown hair with a high ponytail. Her name was first carried by an. She refers to herself in the third person. However, she shows fear rather. She has mechanical parts behind her similar to Tenryuu's, and carries a spear as her weapon. Her name was first carried by the leader of the Harusame class Torpedo Boat Destroyers, completed in 1903. Currently, the game is only available to people connecting with Japanese IP addresses. She also has blue eyes framed with glasses. To show what topics already have guides written for. [1] [2] It uses project management techniques and software to oversee the planning, design, construction and closeout of a. Instead it was replaced with an image of a black colored. The playable version of Ooyodo has armor plating on her left leg, while the unplayable version does not. Fubuki, Ganbarimasu! Someday in the Calm Seas Nanodesu! The Whirlwind Girl Shimakaze The Perched Naval Base Yokosuka Naval Base Anthology Comic Maizuru Naval Base Anthology Comic KanColle anime subtitled search or. 僕もまた、沈むのか。でも、今度は…艦隊戦だから She speaks in a boyish tone just like Mogami, besides being a tomboy. Her design was shown in the endcard of Arpeggio anime episode 1 that aired 8 October 2013, two months before she was added to the. Z. Kongou 10/08/16. Her standard outfit is a serafuku with a seafoam green and white pattern, including three large buttons. They can be used as an easy source of 61cm Quadruple (Oxygen. She has long brown hair and brown or yellow eyes. Pull the lever to 申請. Nenohi wears a serafuku-like garment similar to the one worn by Murakumo and black short pants underneath it. Edit. Mochizuki is lazy and sleepy when compared to other members of her class. How To Modernize. Sample size > 300 for each recipe. She is very often seen holding her torpedos in a way that it goes below. Regular construction [] BB [] Sample size > 200 for each recipe. Construction in KanColle Kai might be different from browser version. Other equipment includes a cannon on her right thigh and several torpedoes around her. However this never came about, and she spent most of her short life training, and then. JS Kaga (DDH-184) is a helicopter carrier being converted into an aircraft carrier beginning in March, 2022. Her Kai Ni appearance swaps her uniform for a winter camouflage-themed outfit, with a slightly cat-themed rigging; with the torpedo launchers as 'paws', and the anchor chain as a 'tail'. to brag about my waifu. It is possible to use this map to farm both fuel and bauxite. The lack of the equipment doesn't have any effect on the stats gained from modernization, but when you modernize and the ship used for modernization is still. . ; Marrying a ship will increase her HP , Luck , & level cap. Node B is a "normal resource node" rewarding 30~90 . ; When using Musashi Kai Ni as the helper in the 2nd position with Nagato Kai Ni or Mutsu Kai Ni in the 3rd one. I used the 300/300/600/600 recipe at least. Kai Ni form allows her to equip Landing Craft. She wears black and white knee socks similar to those worn by the Fubuki class, and has long lavender hair held in place with the distinctive moon-shaped trinket the Mutsuki-class share. Click the Arsenal icon. View Mobile SiteQuests are categorized into seven types. Kongou Kai. Hibiki means "echo", while Верный means "faithful". Despite her not being above calling her. Fall 2015 Event E-4 Drop. Currently, 2-5, 3-5, 4-5, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4 require a certain amount of LOS in order to enter the boss node. Sunk by atomic bomb test, on the 25th of July 1946. Richelieu has pale skin, very long, light blonde wavy hair and swept bangs along with a small lock of hair hanging between her eyes. After doing the relevant quest chain, you will unlock Large Ship Construction. Large Ship Construction - Kancolle Wiki. Overview. There are five tutorials to be completed before you dive into the game. I-8 also has shapely figure and is revealed to be very well stacked when heavily damaged; in the manga, she uses one of her books to hide her shapely figure. It was first carried by the fifth ship of the Murakumo class Torpedo Boat Destroyers in 1898. Ships built under the same class are then called "sister ships". "Rabaul died for our sins. Developed by Kadokawa Games and released on April 23, 2013. Construction management ( CM) aims to control the quality of a project's scope, time, and cost (sometimes referred to as a project management triangle or "triple constraints") to maximize the project owner's satisfaction. com. Tanaka - Kensuke Tanaka, creator and original programmer of Kancolle. As Taigei, she is depicted as having pinkish-red eyes and has dark purple hair that reaches her shoulders tied in low twintails with hair flaps and an ahoge, she also has sizeable bust. Her torpedo tubes have the imperial Japanese seal on them. They were built after WW1. Evans. The NPC version simply has a crane attached to her with a ribbon. Her serafuku includes an armored "corset" and neck-guard designed to evoke the image of the ship's bow, but is otherwise white-and-gray with a yellow neckerchief. しれぇ!記念日ですね!おめでとうございます!雪風も嬉しいです! Commander! It's an anniversary right? Congratulations! Yukikaze's happy too! Yukikaze has brown-ish yellow eyes, and short brown hair. Chitose wears a white collared blouse with a red han-eri collar underneath as well as a navy blue. in the CVL stage, from lv 35 (CVL Kai) they are capable of doing some real carrier job. Large Ship Construction - Kancolle Wiki. Her main gun has a tattered ribbon on it in remembrance of a lost comrade, this being Kisaragi, who was. Unlike the majority of other carriers in-game that use bows or magic, Saratoga uses a firearm integrated into her flight deck to launch planes. Laid down 8 April 1933 and launched 14 March 1934, she is the first landing craft carrier in the world. She has short black hair along with grey/black eyes and pale skin, which is believed to be a monochrome camouflage. Edit. large ship construction can only be unlocked after 3-4 is completed. She carries a twin-gun turret and a quadruple torpedo launcher. She has brown hair, and has the Mutsuki-class' distinctive crescent moon-shaped trinket on her left collar. , please visit the KanColle Wiki Discord. The submarines share the same costume, consisting of a white and blue serafuku top with pink scarf over a classic blue school swimsuit. Is there any good recipe for them that i should try sometime? Kongou is my waifu!. Taiha - "heavily damaged", red damaged. Trang wiki này là nơi sẽ giúp bạn có thể chơi game dù bạn không biết chút tiếng Nhật hoặc. She was launched on the 7th of April 1925. See also: Kancolle Reddit Tutorial. Expeditions button in the sortie screen. 2% Type 42 Air Radar. There is no shared compatibility of the PSVita version with the Web Browser version, and you cannot import your account into Kai. During Fleet Battles, Submarine and Submarine Aircraft Carrier (introduced in Construction Book Two) characters may Submerge. Im not that good with the recipes inn kancolle but im savinh up stuff to sometime get the shipgirls i listed above. It seems to have been removed on December 2014. In. With this recipe you can get Kongou class or at least Fusou class ships. Construction; Equipment. Create a ship in the Factory/工廠 (see The Main Screen, below, for help finding this and other locations in the game): Simply use the default amount of resources to create a ship. 軽空母、龍驤や。独特なシルエットでしょ?でも、艦載機を次々繰り出す、ちゃーんとした空母なんや。期待してや! Light aircraft carrier, Ryuujou! Ain't my silhouette distinctive? But, launching carrier planes one-after-another makes me a proper carrier, ya know! You can count on me! Ryuujou shares many characteristics with the Hiyou-class such as. Due to having collided three times in her historic service, she's also commonly portrayed as quite clumsy, and too eager to watch where's she's going. Compare with Yuudachi. Construction Play: A new ship girl has joined the front lines. She wears a school. Do note that for the one-time. Explore. History. She also wears short. She is seen carrying a crate and her rigging, along. Each successful development costs 1 "development material" . Fuel and Ammo are generally used for resupplying your ships. You can only get 1 Kanmusu drop after you defeat the Boss Fleet in the sortie. Mouse over to see which button is. Shouhou is a polite girl, always saying a "Thank you" and "Please". In addition, due to the Japanese Navy having to compensate for the loss of 4 regular aircraft carriers during the Battle of Midway in June 1942 (Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu and Hiryuu), both Ise and Hyuuga were modified to be able to carry and launch aircraft. Developed as the pinnacle of fleet destroyers with high speed and heavily armed with torpedoes, the Shimakaze-class. She also has high firepower and high plane counts. Her costume includes a large, loose white beret with a. Named after Mount Haruna. She even earned the nickname of MELONBOOKS' "Permanent Part-Timer" from the Naval Base. Kancolle RPG – Construction Book One 1. This is where you go to construct ships, scrap ships, develop equipment and scrap equipment. If used in conjunction with a sister ship (i. Starter Ship: In Kancolle Kai, the three Sendai sisters are the light cruisers that can be chosen as the starter ship. Light cruiser Kiso remodels into a torpedo cruiser with her second remodel at level 65. Equipment; Development; Equipment Guide; Akashi's Improvement Arsenal; Overweight Penalty and Fit Bonus; Visible Equipment Bonuses; Reinforcement Expansion; Modernization. 88. e. Cô cũng xuất hiện trong anime. Somewhat like Akagi, (who had the same artist,) the art style and mostly-brown clothing makes her notably plainer-looking than most battleships. Despite being a seaplane tender, she is unable to equip Type A Kouhyouteki minisubs. Primarily used for landing operations in China, Malaya and Java during the Pacific war. Combine them with a dash of. The fleet has returned to port. Quests are the main way one can earn screws through normal gameplay. Light Aircraft Carriers & Standard Aircraft Carriers are termed 正規空母, or Fleet Carriers, to distinguish them from Escort Carriers or other carrier types. In the Light Novel Kagerou, Setting Sail! 「陽炎. It is available via both Quests (currently up to two are offered) and/or Shop (for 800 DMM Points/Yen each). I-8 wears a school swimsuit with a name tag on it (much like I-19) along with white thigh-high socks and a peaked cap. Character [] Appearance []. Tutorials. When you get a ship drop, extend the flash object and click on the upper left third of the black area (the cursor will change to a hand) to get the COMPASS-CHAN CLASSICAL DANCE PARTY. Read reviews on the anime Kantai Collection: KanColle (KanColle: Kantai Collection) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. Building ships consumes resources and one development material for each construction. She appears to look up to her big sister Etorofu, frequently mentioning her in her lines. She wears her rigging on her back as a backpack with a single oblique yellow strap. Please see Remodel_ (Menu) for information about the UI. She can be used with the Gift (給) button in the Composition menu to raise Morale . Primarily used for landing operations in China, Malaya and Java during the Pacific war. She has a brown reddish eyes and long grey hair, along with a hairclip on her left sidelock, also a noticable scar can be seen on her left upper cheek, and wears a white peaked cap with black visor. Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium) 300. "Aircraft Carrying. Aircraft Development - Suggested Recipes Resource Input Secretary Ship Type Penguin% Equipment Minimum HQ Level Note Naval Aircraft 20 60 10 100Shouhou is an archer light carrier, who wears relatively little clothing. Now go to the construction page. Battleships. Recipes range from 10-300 fuel , ammo , steel and bauxite . She also has a tendency to speak in third person, and in a very polite. Her battle kit features four single-cannon turrets, with two as bracelet-like attachments to her wrists, and two turrets. Ship Stats []. Otherwise you can stick with the default recipe you get. Scuttled on the 25th of October 1944, after Battle of Surigao Strait at 09°40′N 124°50′E. She has long, brown hairin twintails with two white hair ribbon accessories. 2005 Sagittario (Sagittarius), from Greek mythology, who is also depicted using a similar bow. Good luck mate! (edited by Cosmic Kuso) 0. For example, you can equip a reinforced ship with damecons without compromising their equipment loadout. 600. You can click the “Fast construction item” button to finish construction instantly. 1. Before upgrade, she wears a single elbow glove on her left arm that has a seaplane runway on it, a long green jacket belted at the waist (with some ambiguity as to whether it's acting as a short dress, or she's just wearing no pants. Recommended Fleets. Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite. The Yamato-class Battleship (大和型戦艦) of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) were constructed and operated during World War II. The Main Operation areas are 3 "What if" missions about Operation Torch,. ; She has dark purple hair that is lightly disheveled in a similar manner to her sisters. Launched in September 1938, HMS Jervis was designed as the flotilla leader for the J-class destroyers, and saw action throughout all of WW2. As a character, she has parted short black hair and brown eyes. Expedition 4 requires 1CL 2DD ONLY and the flagship level must be at least 3. Kumano has long brown hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. On her head is a fire director, on. Zuihou wears a white kimono top with sleeves visibly attached over a red one. Maikaze wears a black vest with a short-sleeved white shirt underneath it, similar to some members of the Kagerou-class. Taitei - Type 2 Large Flying Boat, name mostly used by Akitsushima. . This involves running the ship you want to sparkle in the flagship position. Zuiun Multi-Angle Attack Animation. Hatsukaze wears a uniform identical to that of Maikaze's; a school uniform-esque garment with a vest and a yellow neckerchief. Aquila's name means. However, she is unable to carry Kouhyouteki mini-subs, making her unable to perform opening. Construction: Normal, LSC Remodel To: Nagato Kai (Level 30) 2 Mutsu 陸奥: Nagato #2 BB 99 0 99 89 0 0 12 39 3 39 80 89 24 49 Slow 12 Long 100 130 Construction: Normal, LSC Remodel To: Mutsu Kai (Level 30) 3 Ise 伊勢: Ise #1 BB 89 0 89 79 0 0 10 36 15 69 74 89 22 49 Slow 12 Long 85 120 Construction: Normal, LSC. Zuikaku has long grey (or green or black) hair in twintails. Yellow Background means the drop is cited at only one of the sources. Uzuki wears a purplish shirt which bares her midriff with a black skirt with pink frills. Select a ship girl to be placed in a modernization slot. Well-known for her obsession with victory, almost on a level equivalent to Sendai's obsession with night battles. Literally means mountain castle. Was called I-68 at the beginning of the war ; Japanese re-numbering program. She wears a uniform shared with the second member of the Mutsuki-class, Kisaragi. The Summer 2022 Event also known under the title of Large Scale Counter Landing! Operation Torch!, has been launched on the 26th of August 2022 and ended on the 14th of October 2022. Fantasy. Kantai CollectionHoushou ( 鳳翔 ) Ship Construction ( Light Aircraft Carrier )Anime/Game News and Guide. Hornet was the 3rd carrier of Yorktown class (not to confused by Essex class aircraft carrier USS Hornet CV-12), built by Newport News Shipbuilding, she was launched on 40 December 1940 she have nicknames "Fighting Lady", "Happy Hornet", and "Horny Maru" Her marriage line references her. The unsinkable ship. So i wanna get. Much like any hit, KanColle has generated multitudes of memes, both in game and with its anime spin-off. Wreck located on the 8th of May 2019, by RV Petrel; she sits upright at a depth of 1,450 m (4,760 ft). Wreck located by RV Petrel on 25 February 2019. Nisshin has the ability to equip Type 2 Large Flying Boat, but upon equipping one, her plane slots will be changed to 1 per slot. Her muneate has the katakana ス (su), which when voiced becomes ズ (zu), the first kana of Zuikaku's name, refering to her identification mark in real life. The Kongou-class at Kai Ni C remodels are capable of perform a special night attack which involves them and the Kongou-class in the 2nd position of the fleet. Shouhou is a polite girl, always saying a "Thank you" and "Please". She wears a white school swimsuit with a red encircled "yu" painted on her chest as well as a diving mask. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. Can be constructed in LSC from the update on 26 September 2014. . Equipment; Development; Equipment Guide; Akashi's Improvement Arsenal; Overweight Penalty and Fit Bonus; Visible Equipment Bonuses; Reinforcement Expansion; Modernization. Akagi as a ship. I-13, or Hitomi as she prefers to be called, has a shy and soft-spoken demeanor; she stammers whenever she speaks, and is rather timid. 1500 1500 2000 1000 1 Nagato-class Mogami-class Agano-class 3. I-168 is confident and hardworking, but lacks other notable personality traits. Modernization; Remodel;. She wears thighhighs held in place by a garter belt, and a sailor's hat on her head. The Kongou-class at Kai Ni C remodels are capable of perform a special night attack which involves them and the Kongou-class in the 2nd position of the fleet. Sometimes, she's a genuinely nice girl; other times, she trolls Abukuma. The rarity and success rate depend on the resource recipe used and your secretary ship's class. Upon her second remodel, her battle spirit is renewed to that of gallancy, bravery and responsibility. net, kancollecalc. The impressive construction rate of China’s shipbuilding Industry. If used in modernization, Kunashiri will increase both a ship's ASW stat and Luck. はい、少し装備は旧式ですが提督とともに出来る限り元利たいと思います。. Also known as Fleet Carriers, they were the largest class of carriers to see combat having excellent speed (30+ knots), some measure of protection, and the ability to operate air groups of 60 or more aircraft. Namely, they wear color-differentiated versions of the same clothes. At your level, I'd focus more on levelling up a balanced fleet, along with unlocking all 4 fleets (if not already done) and unlocking 3-2 and 4-3 (as they're good maps to level on). The Hiyou class wears a white blouse with red trimmings over a red dress shirt referencing their past as army-subsidized luxury passenger ships and a magatama for their tops. Kancolle DB reports include all development materials and Secretary used. ago. Atago wears a blue vest-like garment which is open similar to a jacket, pantyhose and a blue sailor's hat. Her eyes are (supposed to be) light grey and sometimes have a hint of green. Bypassing methods are recommended, please try using them first. Ryuujou shares many characteristics with the Hiyou-class such as being a shikigami-using onmyouji, wielding a flight deck scroll and having some of the same clothing choices. Nhưng có những nghi ngờ rằng không biết đây là xác tàu của cô hay của Kirishima. I-168 herself has long red or pink hair, in a ponytail with a hair ribbon on a strand on her right side. . She even collecting casing of Type 3 shells, Torpedo, Aircraft Bomb,. Much like her fellow IJA shipgirl, Maruyu is poorly-adjusted to life at the naval base, which reflects in her hourlies and various other spoken lines. Unlike the other IJN Destroyers, Kamikaze and her sister wear traditional japanese clothes, namely a pink hakama over a red kimono paired with lace-up boots in the style of a Meiji schoolgirl uniform, which references how she. Welcome to the Kancolle Wiki! If you have any questions regarding site content, account registration, etc. The Expedition (遠征) menu can be accessed from the Sortie (出撃) button on the main menu. Although all three collisions were with three different ships, collisions with Mikuma are most commonly portrayed, as she is a sister-ship, and artists. 30. Her combat gear includes twin-cannon turrets in each hand, the left significantly. Many of her in-game lines reflect that. Urakaze, wears a white and blue button-up serafuku with a yellow neckerchief (similar to Yukikaze) and rolled up sleeves on top of a Kagerou-class standard pleated skirt with simple white socks under everything. Originally designed as an Amagi-class Battlecruiser, Akagi was converted to a carrier after the instigation of the Washington Naval Treaty in 1921. kingkazul400 • 6 yr. Since at a time the British and American destroyers had changed little from their un-turreted, single-gun mounts and light weaponry, whereas the Japanese destroyers were bigger, more powerfully armed, and faster than any similar class of vessel in the other fleets. For more information on this topic, see Morale and Fatigue. While planned to load planes by virtue of her cavernous superstructure allowing for use as hangars, the two catapults she. On. Like Suzuya, she wears a brown school uniform with an orange neckerchief on her collar and a brown dress with white frills. She doesn't wear the gloves as her bodysuit also covers her. 新しいタイプの艦隊育成シミュレーションゲーム「艦隊これくしょん-艦これ-」dmm games公式ページです。dmm games と「艦これ」運営鎮守府の強力タッグで誕生!駆逐艦や軽巡洋艦、重巡洋艦など擬人化された100隻以上の「艦娘(かんむす)」たちを編成、育成、強化しながらあなただけの無敵連合. At least in official art, at least one strand of hair comes down between her eyes. Gambier Bay was sunk by naval gunfire from an unidentified ship (often presumed to be Chikuma or Yamato ), making her the only US aircraft carrier sunk in surface combat during the war. Fandom. Trang wiki này là nơi sẽ giúp bạn có thể chơi game dù bạn không biết chút tiếng Nhật hoặc. Laid down on 29th September '37 and launched Nov the next year, before comission on 5th Aug '39. Ship Class. The chance of obtaining a rare ship is not highly. Fall 2017 Event E-3 drop. Hi guys, I've been trying to build Kaga several times, but RNG-sama seems to like bullying me >_<. She has brown hair, and has the Mutsuki-class' distinctive crescent moon-shaped trinket on her left collar. Japan's first Super-Dreadnought class & the first class to be completely indigenous as opposed to the, at the time, Kongou class battlecruisers. Kantai CollectionHoushou ( 鳳翔 ) Ship Construction ( Light Aircraft Carrier )Anime/Game News and Guide. She is named after the Battle of Saratoga. After some of your ships have a green tag then you can mix in other tagged ships without routing issues. Winter 2018 Event E-2 Reward. She has grey-pink hair tied up in short twintails with a pair of hair ties, and green eyes in tsurime style. Shimushu), both will also provide an increase in a. The times below reflect the type of ship or specific ship you will obtain after hitting the build button. Sunk in action, 30 November 1942, during the Battle of Tassafaronga by gunfire from USS Minneapolis . She uses a small gun-like device similar to Amagi's in. 09/21/16:heart: Kongou :heart: 09/21/16. The Summer 2022 Event also known under the title of Large Scale Counter Landing!Operation Torch!, has been launched on the 26th of August 2022 and ended on the 14th of October 2022. Utilize Torpedoes and Sub Submarine Torpedoes. Destroyers (DD) - there really isn't much you can build for them. When remodeled to Kai Ni, Kinu can equip Daihatsu Landing Craft (all variants) and Special Type 2 Amphibious Tanks. She wears a bottomless gray, black and red uniform which slightly changes after each remodels based on her historical paintjobs which features a chestplate, thighhighs, detached sleeves as well as a peaked cap. Extremely fragile and with zero confidence. Construction. The anime is scheduled to run for eight episodes beginning November 2022. Modernization; Remodel;. Summer 2015 Event E-2 Boss Drop (Easy+) Spring 2016 Event E-4 Boss Drop (Easy+) Summer 2016 Event E-4 Node I & K Drop (Easy+) Fall 2017 Event E-2 Node J Drop (Easy+) Unryuu means "cloud dragon". Firepower , Torpedo , Anti Air , Armor , & Luck can be upgraded by Modernization. A. Potential. Sample Size * Recipe Nagato Mutsu Ise Hyuuga Kongou Hiei Haruna Kirishima. She takes a respectful, grateful attitude towards the admiral. I don't recommend constructing specifically for certain BB/CVs either; they'll pop up eventually from quests or your failed LSC attempts. She must not be more than lightly damaged (小破). Choose 「異動願い」記入. Laid down on 29 August 1918, launched 14th July '19 and commissioned on 31th August '20. Jervis Kai is capable of performing OASW attacks, regardless of her ASW stat. Chinese Wiki. Transport Ship Wa-Class. U-511 is originally a stoic girl who is trying to adapt to her new surroundings. Beyond this you will not gain additional resources, consumables, etc even from expeditions, sorties or wherever else specified: Consumables such as Repair Buckets, Instant. Her bangs come down between her eyes. She wears a short-sleeved white and blue button-up serafuku with a yellow scarf (similar to Yukikaze) on top of a Kagerou-class standard pleated skirt with black pantyhose under everything. I-168 herself has long red or pink hair, in a ponytail with a hair ribbon on a strand on her right side. Her second remodeling turns her into Ro-500, a cheerful girl who reflects the name change she received once she was transferred to Japan. Iowa is the first US Navy ship introduced in Kantai Collection, initially appearing in the PS Vita game KanColle Kai before the PC version. Spring 2015 Event E-6 Drop. large ship construction can only be unlocked after 3-4 is completed. I combine the strengths of a fleet oiler and. She also wears black knee boots. 4. . The armor can be put in a Reinforcement Expansion to. Once you finish the quest for scrapping 4 piece of. T. Create a ship in the Factory/工廠 (see The Main Screen, below, for help finding this and other locations in the game): Simply use the default amount of resources to create a ship. Taihou. Time to have a drink with the moon. A. Kantai Collection Reddit Discord. Gusoki · 10/27/2020. Resources gained from expeditions can go beyond the resource soft cap. Appearing copper brown up top and a cherry red at the bottom. KanColle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Is a "Light Cruiser" (CL), but her "Kai Ni/Toku/D" forms are also considered "Experimental Armament Light Cruiser" (実験軽巡 / 兵装実験軽巡) in the game. This page has two objectives: To make it easier for newfaces to find the information they need to learn to become better Admirals. Mogami is a frank, upbeat, energetic, and tomboyish girl. Has golden/light-brown eyes and medium-length brown hair with bangs over her forehead. On September 17, 1943, the original Naval Construction Battalion (NCB) 133 was commissioned at Camp Perry, Williamsburg, Virginia. Flagship influence on construction. Yuudachi wears a black serafuku shared with the first four ship girls of her class. A Battleship (戦艦 / せんかん , Senkan) is a large armored warship with a main battery consisting of heavy caliber guns. Scuttled on June 5th, 1942 by IJN destroyers Arashi, Hagikaze, Maikaze, and Nowaki after being heavily damaged by dive bombers from USS Enterprise. I just tied it today, after 7 unlucky pulls, my eight Pull she came home. What seems to be a burn mark on her face is actually just a shadow caused by her hair. When lacking enough Amphibious Tanks for SS(V), Drum-capable SS are. T. Not on the official site but are in the anime Staff Cast Cast Comments Broadcast Information Japanese television Crunchyroll streaming Philippine broadcast Opening Endings Insert songs Anime Trailers Blu-ray & DVD Trailers Blu-ray & DVD vol. Fleet must be in Double Line Formation (in Combined Fleet, Cruising. Beyond this you will not gain additional resources, consumables, etc even from expeditions, sorties or wherever else specified: Consumables such as Repair Buckets, Instant Construction, Development Materials or even. Note: Terms "Kūbo" (空母) is a shorthand for "Kōkū bokan" (航空母艦), which means "Aircraft Carrier". Character [] Appearance []. < Combat. For her Kai Ni character design, the artist mentioned that her "ear-like flaps" were drawn from the image of the "faithful hound (忠犬)". 390 420. Cô xuất hiện trong một CD Drama KanColle đầu tiên, cùng với những nhân vật khác trong 1 vở kịch mini. We will discuss later about the resources and construction. She has long blue hair in triple-tails, secured with white ribbons and tiny ship parts. Her clothing has a distinct black and white contrast with blue trimming, with a white-and-black collared sleeveless shirt half-opened to reveal her navel, blue. Modernization is used to increase the Stats of a given ship, namely, the firepower , torpedo , anti-air , armour , HP , ASW , and Luck . Received her Kai Ni on July 27th, 2014. fc2. And when trying to get Yamato not getting musashi. ; Taiyou is capable of performing an opening anti-submarine attack using her aircraft, and only needs 65 ASW score to achieve this ability instead of the normal 100. While the "shi" and "i" in her name stands for 4 and 1 in Japanese respectively, the "o" in her name is just pronounced as the letter instead of an abbreviation of the number 0. After her second remodel, Choukai's outfit undergoes a complete change; she now wears a white and green. Satsuki has long blonde hair styled into twintails, and amber eyes. Mutsuki is a young girl, she is noted to have a appetite figure. Artists often treat Kiso as Maru-Yu's senpai and role model. 1 to 5 other ship girls are required in order to perform a Modernization. More Fandoms. To associate your repository with the kancolle topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics. Yuudachi's second remodel reflects her accomplishments in the Guadalcanal Campaign, where she assisted in sinking two converted transports and later damaging a cruiser before being sunk herself. Her usual outfit consists of a white serafuku with blue accents with a red necktie and blue miniskirt with white. Much like her fellow IJA shipgirl, Maruyu is poorly-adjusted to life at the naval base, which reflects in her hourlies and various other spoken lines. Before upgrade, she wears a single elbow glove on her left arm that has a seaplane runway on it, a long green jacket belted at the waist (with some ambiguity as to whether it's acting as a short dress, or. A Submarine (潜水艦 / せんすいかん , Sensuikan) is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. Quadruple torpedo launchers are strapped to her thighs, and she wields a twin. Online/mobile games: Kantai Collection (2013) KanColle Kai (2016) KanColle Android (2016)Similar to Shoukaku and Zuikaku, Kasumi has a base Kai Ni form and an alternate Kai Ni B form, the latter turning her into a dedicated anti-aircraft destroyer with better AA stats at the cost of weaker surface combat stats. " is said to be coming from Admiral Yamaguchi and Hiryuu Captain's last conversation.